I should be asleep considering I have an important day at work tomorrow.. But I came across a thought and a photo online, while checkin out the latest on greenpeace. The site dedicated to saving our planet due to many things such as climate change, warfare, extinction, etc. There was this picture of some monkey species with bold writing across the top "EXTINCTION IS FOREVER". Processing in my mind, thinking, realizing, wow thats an obvious fact! Its as though society does not grasp the idea when an animal becomes a threat to extinction, its a serious matter. Its as though we need to see these species die off, to actually learn and be aware of the same problem rising again. Will it take our own species, humans, to start dying off to realize, something needs to be done, which by then would be to late. What can we do? Is extinction the natural order to all species? Will we become extinct? Will I become extinct? Yes actually I will, Im only one of my own and when I die, there will be no more of me. Which is weird and an interesting thought.. Its almost a never ending conflict, and sparks up many other conflicts like, religion, doomsday, mother nature, past, present, future, and the list can go on. As of now I know at least two things: 1. Society has to change its ways and learn to love the world and its natural habitants. 2. I am losing focus, so its time to sleep. I know I didn't go as far as I would like to with this subject. I raised a lot of questions and unfinished statements, maybe I just don't want you all to take my thoughts for granted and use them against me! We may never know. Pc.
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