Tuesday, January 26, 2010

She's So Saccharine!

I learned a new word today by accident. Saccharine. I don't even know how to pronounce it properly, as though there's a hidden silent. There are a few ways to use Saccharine. Here are examples:

1. A resemblance to the meaning of sugar: The recipe calls for ingredients with a Saccharine taste.
2. More abundant then just sugar; sugary: You must taste my Saccharine desert.
3. Exaggeratedly sweet or sentimental: A saccharine song of undying love.
4. Having too much sweat in an attitude/personality: A saccharine smile


The Socks Purity

As the ancient Greeks bounded matted animal hair around their ankles for warmth and durability. The Romans complied woven fabrics and leathers which were soon to be called 'puttees' during 5th century AD. These knits were later worn by holy people and the wealthy, up until 1589, when the knitting machine was introduced, which meant all could enjoy! Now the sock solely stands with the foot, which not only provides an accessory in fashion, but status within luxury and comfort!

Lanvin menswear 09 fall/winter collection. Notice the boots and socks with that chaps suit. He looks like my hairdresser Tony, weird. This was my new years eve outfit inspiration, which is posed below.

The models below are in Burberry Prorsum 2010 spring collection. More socks!

I just can not get over this chich beatnik style with heavy woven socks pouring over the edge. Its like a tease for the runway! I can only Imagine what them foot fetishers are going through at the moment. I can't help but follow in this hope to be lasting trend. The guy below runs for D&G fall 2010 and winter 2011.

The Science of Sleep

Liebling von Meinem!
Directed by my favorite director Michel Gondry. He has done my other favorite and im sure yours too, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Be kind Please Rewind. Gael Garcia Bernal stars in this french dreamlike film, who I might add is another one of my favorites. Nam nam nam nam.. This film has the complex of complete randomness while Mr. Bernals main character, 'Stephane', intertwines his dreamscape with reality. Truly imaginative, creative, and inspiring. Especially if your a random/artistic junky like me. I can easily categorize this movie as Art. The french language seems far more appealing to me now as I get older, and while watching this, it makes me not only want to learn french but live in it. Heres a link to the trailer: The Science of Sleep trailer

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Tom Ford's Film Review

The most beautiful film ever created! 'A Single Man' staring Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Ginnifer Goodwin and directed by the ever most talented designer Tom Ford. The film is based on Christopher Isherwood's novel 'A Single Man'. I rather not explain the movie, the preview already can spoil the experience. I just can't get over how absolutely breath taking it is, especially in theaters, the screen around you is like a visual novel, everything captured is being read out to you. Amaaaaaazing! Hmm.. does the future speak director for designer? I sure hope so, its about bloody time we see more talent with cinematography and over throw these pathetic blockbuster debt dumps! Here, the preview of a true masterpiece: A Single Man trailer

Extinction is Forever

I should be asleep considering I have an important day at work tomorrow.. But I came across a thought and a photo online, while checkin out the latest on greenpeace. The site dedicated to saving our planet due to many things such as climate change, warfare, extinction, etc. There was this picture of some monkey species with bold writing across the top "EXTINCTION IS FOREVER". Processing in my mind, thinking, realizing, wow thats an obvious fact! Its as though society does not grasp the idea when an animal becomes a threat to extinction, its a serious matter. Its as though we need to see these species die off, to actually learn and be aware of the same problem rising again. Will it take our own species, humans, to start dying off to realize, something needs to be done, which by then would be to late. What can we do? Is extinction the natural order to all species? Will we become extinct? Will I become extinct? Yes actually I will, Im only one of my own and when I die, there will be no more of me. Which is weird and an interesting thought.. Its almost a never ending conflict, and sparks up many other conflicts like, religion, doomsday, mother nature, past, present, future, and the list can go on. As of now I know at least two things: 1. Society has to change its ways and learn to love the world and its natural habitants. 2. I am losing focus, so its time to sleep. I know I didn't go as far as I would like to with this subject. I raised a lot of questions and unfinished statements, maybe I just don't want you all to take my thoughts for granted and use them against me! We may never know. Pc.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Insightful interaction through human to human is keays!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Train Effects

If anything the sound of a train soothes my soul, but the shaking effects it has on my closet door however does not! It just gets under my skin and drives me.. completely.. INSANE!!! I now have absolute hatred to mirror sliding doors because of this situation. Train I love you, but your closest shaking effects, not so much!